Greetings Beloved Friends and Family! This is the very first blog edition I have created for updates and information on Micah's adoption. As most of you already know, Albert and I are adopting a beautiful baby boy from Guatemala. Micah was born on June 22, 2007, and has just turned 6 months old. We first met Micah on October 31 and an immediate bond of unconditional love was formed. He smiled at us and he had us in the palm of his little hands. Since that first visit in late October, we have been back to visit Micah two more times; during Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas. Our next visit will be January 17 - 21.
During our last visit we learned some wonderful news, our adoption has entered the final stages! Our case is now in PGN (Procuradoria General de la Nacion). PGN is the equivalent of the U.S. Attorney General. During this process our specific case will be reviewed by 2 reviewers. If any reviewer has a question about any of the documents that have been submitted, they will request more information from our attorney. These delays can set our adoption back at least three weeks. After our paperwork has been reviewed by reviewers 1 and 2, it then goes to the Attorney General himself who will then review our case. He may have questions himself, and/or then sign off on our documents. Then baby Micah is ours! A birth certificate will then be issued with Albert and my names and baby Micah will then have the Sarkees surname forever. This step averages at about 8 weeks.
The last step is that of the US Embassy. The US Embassy will request a second DNA to be performed (to make sure we have the same baby we started with since the beginning of our adoption). A passport and visa is then issued for baby Micah Sarkees so he may leave the country. We will then be assigned an appointment at the Embassy where we will swear to the validity of all the documents we presented. At that time we will receive a complete history on Micah's birth mother and if he has biological siblings. We will then receive a sealed envelope which we are to present to the customs officer in the US. We are then headed home to our beautiful house in Jacksonville, Florida.
I have recently completed my Master's Degree, ESOL endorsement, and the Teacher of the Year requirements, I am now free to devote my time to updating Micah's blog.
Albert and I are very appreciative for everyone's love, excitement, and anticipation on meeting our precious little boy. We are so blessed to have him!!
Blessings and Love to All, Robin